Drunk Driving: The Dangers Of Alcohol

Every day, about 32 people in the United States Of America die in drunk driving crashes. That is about one person every forty-five minutes. Drinking and driving, also known as…[...]

How do I start over after Incarceration?

Unemployment is very common for someone after being incarcerated. In 2017, nearly 27% of previously incarcerated people were unemployed. It can be very challenging to find a job after being…[...]

Drunk Driving Laws And Their Effectiveness

Drunk driving remains a pressing concern, posing a significant threat to road safety and public well-being In response, governments worldwide have enacted stringent drunk driving laws and penalties. The hope…[...]

What happens to women formerly incarcerated

Incarcerated women go through unimaginable things that only other incarcerated women could ever understand. Many women face separation from children and family, inadequate mental health care, and lack of substance…[...]