How alcohol affects the body

According to the CDC, alcohol consumption is the number one cause of preventable death and binge drinking accounts for 40% of those deaths.Everyday use of alcohol can lead to a multitude of health problems, it can affect many parts of your life.Excessive alcohol use is described as eight or more drinks if you are a woman or fifteen or more drinks per week if you are a man, while binge drinking is four or more drinks on one occasion for a woman and five or more drinks on one occasion for a man.

How to positively shift your mindset

Since we can remember, we have been trained and domesticated to believe certain things that have changed the trajectory of our lives and made us the way that we are.As a child, were you ever told “don’t do this” “you can’t do that”?Then you too are a victim of domestication.It is hard to redirect all of the things that you already know mostly because it’s what you’ve been taught up until this point but it is not impossible, there are ways to change and rewire your brain so that you can succeed in all of the things that everyone told you you never could, and I’m going to tell you how.

How abusing drugs negatively affects your brain

Abusing drugs can have a severely negative affect on a person’s mental health, physical health, family life, and social life.Drug abuse can lead to feelings of depression, isolation, anxiety, and even feelings of hopelessness. These negative repercussions from drug abuse will ultimately lead a user to feel as if they are incapable of managing their everyday life.

What happens to women formerly incarcerated

Incarcerated women go through unimaginable things that only other incarcerated women could ever understand.

Many women face separation from children and family, inadequate mental health care, and lack of substance abuse treatment.

The prison system is not designed to help women with these personal traumas and this affects them negatively.

How to build your self confidence

Every person on this earth has days where we struggle with confidence or self esteem, but when this interferes for too long it can become a long term problem and take a serious toll on our mental health and social life. There is a much higher chance that we see our lives in a negative way instead of a proud and positive way when we feel low about or self esteem. Having low self esteem will make small problems in our lives seem much bigger and this can become stressful. 

Five life skills that pay off

In life, we must learn a substantial amount of foundational skills to be properly equipped for success. 

The skills that we are taught as children in school are crucial for us to learn to get into colleges, get jobs, and live in society as citizens. 

One thing that we can benefit from that our schools teach us is exercising.

The consequences of receiving a DUI

Driving under the influence is the most common criminal offense in the U.S.Operating any motor vehicle under the influence is a serious crime and could put you or someone else’s life in danger, it could also be fatal. When you are pulled over and assumed under the influence, you must give a blood, urine, or breathalyzer test otherwise your license will be taken away and suspended.A DUI charge results in lots of fees, fines, community service hours, education, and even jail time.

Make the best of your time while incarcerated

Being incarcerated can be mentally, physically, and emotionally challenging.

Regardless of how long you are sentenced, jail time can take a serious toll on you and how you view yourself and the outside world. 

It is important that you maximize your experience and make it the best you can by spending your time wisely communicating with friends, family, and cellmates, reading and writing, exercising,and obtaining new skills.

Staying in touch with your loved ones can help you stay on track with your responsibilities and can also give you a sense of unconditional support.