Every person on this earth has days where we struggle with confidence or self esteem, but when this interferes for too long it can become a long term problem and take a serious toll on our mental health and social life.

There is a much higher chance that we see our lives in a negative way instead of a proud and positive way when we feel low about or self esteem. 

Having low self esteem will make small problems in our lives seem much bigger and this can become stressful. 

When you feel this way, it is possible that you may even begin to convince your friends, family, and yourself that you are a weak-minded person. 

These feelings about yourself tend to stem from childhood, we collect data from our parents and other people around us that we store and hold on to, these can be hard thoughts to shake or get rid of.

How do we deal with these negative thoughts that are embedded into our brains?

First, we must recognize these cycles and challenge ourselves to redirect them.

You must know that your thoughts control your actions.

Because of this, it is important to do what you feel best aligns with the life that you want to live.

And since our thoughts control our actions, it is as equally if not more important to have thoughts that support the life that you want to live therefore we must filter out thoughts that do not serve our highest selves.

We can recognize our negative thoughts about ourselves, write them down, and then practice replacing the negative thoughts with more positive ones.

Be kind to yourself! 

Be the person that you needed when you were a child.

When you have a negative thought, try to defend that thought and make it more positive.

When we begin to do this and we make changing our thoughts a habit, we will begin to see change first in our mind then in our physical reality as well.

Believing that we are good people worthy of good things will not only make us feel better about ourselves but other people will start to believe us to.

Aside from controlling our thoughts, another way that we can build self confidence is to start making better, healthier life choices.

For instance studies show that people who exercise consistently are more likely to have higher self esteem.

Or in another case you can challenge yourself by setting a goal with a deadline that you want to achieve and it will create a profound sense of self esteem because you won due to your own determination and focus.

Doing these things will instill a stronger sense of courage, belief, and confidence in yourself.

In conclusion, a higher self esteem is within arms reach and anyone who is devoted to seeing change for the better in their lives is able to obtain it.

You must put forth the effort to change your mindset from a negative to a positive one and you must be willing to make better, healthier choices in your day to day life. 

If you believe in yourself you can achieve this and you will be in awe of how powerful your mind is.