Things change when you are about to become a father especially when it’s your first kid. You worry about setting the right example and making sure that they become better than me. Waiting nine months to welcome my son into the world has given me time to reflect on myself, my habits, and my flaws. My goal is to teach my son to be better than me. 

As a father I’ll have to watch my every move.

Something I will struggle with and have started to work on is cursing too much.

I have always had a bad habit of using too many curse words.

That’s not something I want to pass onto my son.

I have started to correct my behavior by using a swear jar as a form of punishment for myself.

I have also told my wife and family to correct me everytime they hear me cursing too much.

I will continue to do my best to make this change permanent and will not pass on this bad habit to my son. 

Another habit I am trying to correct is my drinking.

It’s gotten me in trouble in the past and I do not want my son to over indulge himself when he is an adult. I have to set an example for him if I ever want him to be better than me.

I want him to know that drinking is not a bad thing in moderation.

Drinking is a fun way to pass the time with friends as long as you do not use it as a way to get black out drunk.

I will have to lead him by example on how to control himself.

I have started not to drink anymore. 

I will also teach him how to be responsible and to treat others with respect.

He will learn how to value all he has in life such as his family and home.

I hope to be able to teach him this by showing him how much I value my wif, my mother, my home and my career.

I hope that he sees how I respect my family and treat them how I wish to be treated.

That way he can do the same as an adult. They always say that you need to lead by example in order to show your kids who they should be when they become adults. 

I can only hope that the changes I have started to make in my life will be enough to help guide my son into becoming a good man in the future.

I hope that he can see my effort to change my bad habit of cursing, my unacceptable drinking habits, and how to treat others with respect.

As a man I can only wish that my son sees my efforts and tries to copy my example to be a great man who does well for himself.

As a father I can only hope that I do not fail my son.