
Dealing with life post-incarceration may seem daunting and difficult to overcome. There is definitely a stigma in society that has been place on those that lost their freedom temporarily; however, life after incarceration can get better. It requires making a few shifts in your relationship with yourself and others. Learn a few tips to help you better navigate life after being incarcerated.

I was incarcerated… Now What?!

Incarceration stands among the most traumatic experiences one could go through. However, the real struggle begins after incarceration. Our society is laced with prejudice, especially against those who’ve served time in prison. Hence, it’s okay for you to feel lost and confused about the next phase of your life.

Even though life may now present a few challenges, it’s still important to maintain faith and use this to ignite the fire within you to not let your past determine your future. Moreover, what isn’t okay is losing hope and giving up on yourself. There are plenty of options and resources available if you take the time to seek them. Speaking of which, here are a few tips that might help you lead a better life post-incarceration.

Work on yourself

Change begins with you. So, the first step to a better, more fulfilling life is to work on yourself. This involves improving every aspect of your life including your diet, your lifestyle, the people you choose to surround yourself with, and how you interact with your environment and the people in it. Many people don’t realize how your diet can impact your thoughts, behaviors, or incites addiction. Get therapy if you’re dealing with trauma, read self-help books, and sign up for courses and activities that interest you. As you begin this work on yourself you will see there are many others who have endured similar or worst situations. The more you work on yourself, the better your life will be. It will open your world to a new reality and not have you condemning yourself for your past mistakes.

Never Stop Learning
Never stop learning about yourself and always seek to learn new information!

Work on your relationships

Another step to leading a better life is to assess and improve the quality of your relationships. The kind of people you choose to be around and the quality of the connections you share say a lot about you. Therefore, it’s time for you to rid yourself of toxic relationships and work on healthy ones. Communication plays a key role in maintaining healthy and stable relationships. One too

l that may help you develop healthier relationships would be to make a list of traits you want to allow into your life and ones you don’t. As you get to know new people, you can use this list to see if they are pouring into your cup or running you dry. Ultimately you are the gatekeeper of who’s allowed access to you and your future. If you find it difficult to build relationships, try searching for a mentor that can help you navigate your specific circumstances.

Hands in the middle
Having a support system that believes and motivates you is priceless!

Level Up on Skills
It’s never too late to learn something new. Therefore, don’t shy away from learning new skills and engaging in activities that make you happy. Sign up for any courses you always dreamed of taking but never got the chance to do so or join a community that piques your interest. You can even find some courses online at the most affordable rates that would not only help you gain knowledge, but also teach important skills. If finances are an issue, find a skill that could be developed online.

Learning a new skill
Learning a new skill can be a game changer.

Build a Better Future
Another thing you must work on is your career. Yes. You must have a stable job in order to make ends meet. This might as well be one of the toughest challenges you might have to face. Incarceration is a taboo subject and reentry into society post-incarceration can be a real challenge. This makes it all the more important for you to refuse to give up on yourself. However, a stable job will ensure a better, more fulfilling future for you and your family.

Search For Jobs
Many jobs are hiring post-pandemic!

The worst thing that could ever happen has already happened and now’s the time for you to hit “reset” on your life. While society may want you to think otherwise, incarceration is not the end of the world. There’s still hope for you. There’s always hope for those who refuse to give up.