Time Management Tips for a Productive Day

Do you ever feel like there’s just not enough time in the day to get everything done? Well, you’re not alone!Sometimes, it can be hard to juggle school, homework, chores, […]

The Trauma of Being in an Accident after Drunk Driving 

Drunk driving is a terrible decision that is easy to make at the moment that not only risks the lives of those involved in accidents but also leaves behind a […]

Six Ways You Can Help Your Loved One Adjust To Life After Prison

You and your family are stoked that today is finally the day your loved one is coming home. You think that everything will start where you

Drunk Driving Laws And Their Effectiveness

Drunk driving remains a pressing concern, posing a significant threat to road safety and public well-being In response, governments worldwide have enacted stringent drunk driving laws and penalties. The hope […]

How alcohol affects the body

According to the CDC, alcohol consumption is the number one cause of preventable death and binge drinking accounts for 40% of those deaths.Everyday use of alcohol can lead to a multitude of health problems, it can affect many parts of your life.Excessive alcohol use is described as eight or more drinks if you are a woman or fifteen or more drinks per week if you are a man, while binge drinking is four or more drinks on one occasion for a woman and five or more drinks on one occasion for a man.

Trying To Set An Example For My Son

Things change when you are about to become a father especially when it’s your first kid. You worry about setting the right example and making sure that they become better […]