Social media has transformed how we connect and talk to other people. Around 7 out of 10 people use social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, TikTok, and many others. Recently, people have started to believe that these platforms can have bad effects on mental health. Despite the problems they may have, social media platforms can also have a very positive impact. These platforms can help people find help for their health problems and other issues. They provide low-cost ways for nonprofits and others to create communities that offer support. They also help people stay connected, especially during times when it was crucial to follow social distancing rules.

Share good news

Scrolling through social media and reading or viewing negative news is called “doom scrolling.”

And it’s common to share the stories that make us the most upset.

Instead, try “hope-scrolling.”

Look for and spread positive and uplifting news, happy stories, and heartfelt experiences.

Follow profiles and pages that are good sources of these items like The Good News Network or Happy News.

When social media algorithms realize that you like more positive news, they will show you more of it in your feed.

Most social media sites have a feature that allows you to silence or stop seeing posts from negative people in your feed, without actually disconnecting from them.

Amplify your favorite nonprofits’ messages and events

Follow your favorite nonprofit or charity on social media and share their good news, events, and other items.

You may also want to tell your followers why that organization or cause is very important to you.

This will help spread the message about something very important to you and it may also attract new people who want to help or donate.

Stay connected

Keep an eye on your social media feed and send messages to friends or family members who may be at risk of isolation or loneliness.

Use your social media accounts to keep in touch with people who matter to you and support them in overcoming loneliness.

Are you searching for unique ways to connect with others?

Choose a special day from the National Day Calendar and send a nice greeting. You can find special days like National Gazpacho Day and World Creativity and Innovation Day throughout the year.

These days are a chance for you to do something nice for someone and show them that you are thinking about them.

Be an advocate

Invite your friends and contacts to do nice things for others.

You can ask your friends to do something nice for someone every day or every week, but they do not have to tell you exactly what they did (unless they want to).

If you are looking for some ideas, this is a great place to begin.

Join the movement to spread lots of happy news and positive messages on social media.

It will make logging on an entirely distinct and more rewarding experience for you.