It is hard to have a productive, efficient, and stress-free day in today’s society with so many distractions.

As I write this, I am distracted by my phone, by the noises outside from cars passing by, and from my friends interrupting me while I am typing.

I am going to tell you six steps that can help you get yourself towards a more productive day.

First, what is a productive day?

What makes a day productive?

It is not only completing the tasks you are determined to finish at the start of the day, but also maintaining a great work/life balance.

It is essentially when you make the most of your time.

The first step that you can make is to manage your time wisely.

This can be from simply having a method to how you perform tasks.

Some individuals like the Pomodoro technique which is when you spend 25 minutes working followed by a 5 minute break.

Once you complete 4, 25 minute work sessions, you can take a 30 minute break.

This allows your mind to be fresh and not stressed out while working.

Having great time management skills allows you to make extra time where you can do the things that you love.

The second step is to get an ample amount of sleep.

Sleep is essential to have a productive day.

Studies show that an adult should be getting at least 7 hours of sleep everyday.

Getting less than that on a daily basis will cause you to feel lethargic during the day and have minimal motivation to work on your tasks.

The third step is to have a refreshing morning routine.

Making a healthy breakfast is a great start to a productive day as nutrition is important for your body to function.

Some people love to do yoga or meditation as well so you should try to find what works for you and implement it into your daily routine.

The fourth step is to work and complete one task before moving on to another.

Avoiding multitasking will allow you to not feel overloaded and you will be able to perform better on each individual task, rather than insufficient work on everything.

The fifth step is to avoid bad habits as best as possible.

You need to be able to identify them and determine how you can eliminate them.

If your bad habit is that you constantly go on social media during the time you were supposed to spend working, you can either shut down your phone, or leave your phone in a different area from where you are working.

This allows you to separate yourself from the bad habit and allows you to focus on the task at hand.

The last but definitely not least step is to have a good attitude and energy when performing good habits.

These habits are essential to your day and having a great mindset will, in the long run, keep you consistent and efficient.

Overall, following these six steps are a great way to develop a fundamental basis in achieving a productive day.