Having peace in your life is a significant thing to achieve. 

Peace does not come naturally obviously. 

Peace has to be developed overtime and it involves many strategies. 

There are multiple things that can disrupt one’s peace such as stress and conflict. Conflict with family, friends, or coworkers is a huge disruptor of peace. 

We are not able to relax because we are hyper focused on fixing this conflict. 

Stress is triggered by an abundance of things such as work, finances, home maintenance, relationships and many more things. 

When your peace is disturbed there are many strategies you can practice to maintain peace in these situations. 

Being Aware of Yourself 

Acknowledging what disturbs your peace is something important to be aware of when trying to achieve peace. 

Your mind is significant when learning how to maintain your peace. 

If you start thinking negatively or start developing bad thoughts take a moment to remember not to label your thoughts. 

Reminding yourself that these thoughts are bad increases your bad thoughts and stress.

Once you learn to stop labelling your thoughts these thoughts will slowly stop coming to your head. 

If you start to give these thoughts a name they will reappear and disturb your peace.

This is why being self-aware and being mindful plays a huge part in maintaining peace. 

Setting Boundaries 

When you do not have set boundaries this can severely disturb your peace. 

Being able to communicate your boundaries with others takes a part in maintaining peace. 

Do not be afraid to tell others how you feel about something or to tell people no. 

For most people this is also something that can take time to practice and learn. 

If you are able to create boundaries this prevents you from overcommitting. 

When you overcommit you can run yourself too thin which causes you to be stressed. 

Remember that saying no and having boundaries is okay. 

This helps prevent you from becoming overwhelmed and losing the ability to maintain your peace.

Prioritize Your Well-Being 

Remember that taking care of yourself and needs helps your peace significantly. 

Self-care is a huge factor of peace. 

Make sure you are getting enough sleep, eating, relaxing, and taking part in activities that bring you joy. 

Acknowledging everything you do and your progress helps you maintain peace by giving yourself credit for the things you have accomplished rather than focusing on what you have not gotten done. 

Focusing on yourself promotes calmness and clarity in your life. 


Looking back on your day and remembering the things that you are grateful for reduces stress. 

It is easier said than done, but do not focus on all the bad things in your life this severely disrupts your peace. 

Think of all the things you did in the day and figure out what you can eliminate from your day that was unnecessary because managing your time well will also help with maintaining peace. 

Reflect on what caused you stress or negativity and limit your exposure to that thing or person.

Even self-reflecting out loud with someone can be helpful. 

This person might be able to help you prioritize your day and thoughts. 


Maintaining peace does not happen overnight. 

This is a process and it takes practice every day. 

Once you are able to acknowledge all of the things that bring you peace, you can start a less stressful, more peaceful routine. 

Applying these strategies in everyday life will help you maintain peace and will help your overall well-being.