Many people find keeping a journal to be therapeutic.

I am envious of those who have the discipline to journal consistently because I certainly do not.

But that’s okay and I don’t beat myself up over this fact.

I do, however, like to make notes if I hear or see something meaningful on social media, a billboard, a conversation, a newspaper or virtually anywhere.

I will make a note in my phone or write the thought down if I’m able, but I always eventually compile them in little notebooks that I can reference later.

Sometimes I have to rely on memory, so I go off of the concept rather than the exact phrase.

I went through a couple of my notebooks and picked out some highlights.

You will not be punished for your anger. You will be punished by your anger. (“Buddha: ‘You will not be punished for your anger, you will be punished …”)

There are no bad feelings. Only bad ways to process or react to our feelings.

Depression is not a feeling, but a coping mechanism.

Melodramatic expressions of anger may be a smokescreen for repressed sadness. How can one elevate one’s feelings if one does not know if the feelings are real or not?

Resentment is repressed anger. Repression punishes us.

Emotions are self-validating. Reactions to people, places and things can provide useful information.

Emotions organize us and prepare us for action.

The brain can heal itself.

Addiction is a disease of choice. Drug and alcohol use is a behavior, and all behaviors are choices.

Am I firm on principle and flexible on method?

Pain is inevitable, misery is optional.

“Would I rather be right, or would I rather be happy?” (“25 Ways to Bring More Peace into Your Life”)

If you keep going, you’ll get there. Consistency is the key to success.

The most catastrophic outcomes tend to be the least likely to happen. (“Tips to Help You Manage Stress Related to Novel Coronavirus, COVID-19”)

If I say no to someone, I’m not a selfish person.

Dishonesty has led me away from my true self.

Be grateful or live in self-pity.

Make your bed every day.

Don’t give up on the person you are becoming.

Make today so awesome that yesterday gets jealous.

Never stop looking up.

Be happy with your life.

No one is you and that’s your super power.

You can’t always be strong, but you can be brave. (“You will not always be strong, but you can always be brave – Aliza Latta”)

See good in all things.

Enjoy the journey.

Start each day with a grateful heart.

Loving yourself is the greatest revolution.

Don’t ever doubt your worth.

It doesn’t happen overnight so keep going.

Too much pride will kill you, but too little of it is just as true.

I know some of these are trite and cliched but there’s nothing wrong with spreading more positivity in this world.

Hopefully some of them might be as thought-provoking to you as they were to me.

I’m constantly on the lookout for new phrases and concepts so If you, the reader, have anything that’s meaningful or useful to you, please leave a comment. I’d love to hear from you.