Imagine waking up every day feeling like a superhero, full of energy and ready to take on the world.  

Well, guess what?  

You can make it happen by building healthy habits!  

These habits are like superpowers that can make your life happier and more awesome.  

Let’s learn how to start today! 

Eat a Rainbow:  

Eating a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables is like giving your body a superhero’s shield.  

They make you strong and healthy.  

Try to eat at least five servings every day! 

Stay Active:  

Being active is like having a superhero’s energy.  

You don’t need to do big jumps; even simple exercises like walking, playing, or dancing count.  

Aim for at least 60 minutes of activity every day. 

Sleep Well:  

Sleep is like your superhero’s secret cave, where you rest and recharge.  

Make sure you get enough sleep each night.  

Kids your age need about 9-11 hours of sleep. 

Drink Water:  

Water is like a superhero’s potion.  

It keeps you hydrated and helps your body work properly.  

Drink water throughout the day to stay refreshed. 

Wash Your Hands:  

Washing your hands is like a superhero’s shield against germs.  

It helps keep you and others healthy.  

Remember to wash them before eating and after using the restroom. 

Be Kind:  

Kindness is like a superhero’s superpower.  

When you’re kind to others, you make the world a better place, and it feels good too. 

Limit Screen Time:  

Spending too much time in front of screens, like phones and computers, can be like a villain stealing your time.  

Limit screen time to make room for fun activities and spending time with family and friends. 

Read and Learn:  

Reading is like a superhero’s knowledge source.  

It helps your brain grow and makes you smarter.  

Try to read or learn something new every day. 

Laugh Out Loud:  

Laughter is like a superhero’s magic spell.  

It makes you feel happy and healthy.  

Don’t forget to laugh often! 

Talk About Feelings:  

Talking about your feelings is like a superhero’s way of dealing with challenges.  

If you’re sad, angry, or worried, share your feelings with a trusted adult or friend.  

They can help. 

Stay Curious:  

Being curious is like a superhero’s quest for knowledge.  

Ask questions and explore the world around you.  

It’s an exciting adventure! 

Be Grateful:  

Gratitude is like a superhero’s way of being thankful.  

Each day, think about three things you’re grateful for.  

It makes you appreciate the good things in life. 

Dream Big:  

Dreaming big is like a superhero’s way of setting goals.  

Believe in yourself and your dreams.  

With hard work, you can make them come true. 

In Conclusion: 

Healthy habits are your superpowers for a happier and more awesome life.  

By eating well, staying active, sleeping enough, and being kind, you can be your very own superhero every day.  

So, start today, and remember that you have the power to make your life happier and more amazing!  

You’re the superhero of your own story!