Alcohol use can affect so many things in a person’s life
such as relationships with family, friends and also
one’s health and those around them.

What is alcohol use disorder also known as alcoholism?
It’s when one has an uncontrollable drinking problem.
Alcoholism doesn’t just affect the person drinking, it also affects those around them for
example family.
This can cause emotional and financial support over time.
Abusing alcohol can cause one’s behavioral issues to change, causing fights between friends
and family.
Also, it causes problems when a family member tries to intervene and help.
Children are also affected by alcoholism.
Children can feel neglected and experience some social development issues.
When one or two parents abuse alcohol their children or child starts to notice the behaviors
and actions of their parents or parents and over time, they start to feel ignored.
Alcohol abuse can also cause parents to have a lack of interest in the child’s activities causing
them to feel neglected.
In a relationship when one abuses alcohol their depending on partner starts to feel some issues
starting to rise.
Alcohol abuse can also lead to domestic violence.
When one is intoxicated it can cause them to have no control of their emotions and actions.

People who misuse alcohol can waste and blow through their own budget and even their own
family’s budget.
There are many health effects caused by alcohol abuse.
Alcohol absorbs rapidly and enters the bloodstream and also affects the brain.
The way alcohol affects the brain is that it causes your language, judgment, emotions,
movement and also your balance.
It causes you to have trouble seeing straight, hearing and also remembering clearly.
Heavy drinking can cause heart problems also, resulting in high blood pressure and heart
The liver is also affected as it can lead to liver damage and liver failure.
Alcohol use can also affect your judgment by making you think you’re okay to get behind the
wheel of a vehicle while drunk.
Drinking and driving is considered a serious crime.
Any amount of alcohol in your bloodstream is dangerous when you are operating a vehicle as it
causes your driving ability.
Alcohol affects your concentration, making good judgements and seeing straight.
It makes you have a slow reaction and lose your ability to have a fast reaction.
Driving under the influence is very dangerous and can cause the death of pedestrians and
people on the road.
There are many support groups out there that are here to help friends and family members of
those with alcohol use disorder.
There are organizations that help the family members help with the issues and emotions
caused when their loved ones were abusing alcohol.
They can also help and prepare you when you are assisting a loved one coming to terms with
the condition.
There are also rehabilitation centers for your loved ones affected.

There are professionals that help guide an addict through the recovery process, from detoxing
to life after rehab.
It is important to understand the risks of how alcohol use can really affect your life and those
around you.
Always seek help before the problem becomes uncontrollable.
There are many organizations and people out there that are willing to help you and those
around you.