The most common effects domestic abuse has on people such as the effects it can cause to
someone’s mental health, physical health.

It can also cause emotional effects and how it can also affect society and the effects it can have
on children and children’s mental health and how it can affect the development of a child.

Also, their partner taking major control over the victim’s life can be a sign of domestic violence
or abuse.

One of the most common and easy to look for signs of domestic abuse are the person’s physical

For example, bruises, bruises around the eye, broken or sprained wrist or bruises around the neck
and aggression towards the victim.

It is also very important to keep in mind that signs are different depending on the relationship
and also may differ from person to person.

Domestic violence or abuse can take place in many different ways.

One of the effects domestic abuse has on a victim is the effect on mental health.

It can lead to a depression disorder, and it can also cause PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder).

Can also lead to anxiety in most cases the victim can become self-critical and/or suicidal.

Some even tend to have a really low self-esteem it can cause a trauma response that can
negatively influence future relationships.

The trauma can also cause you to become more vulnerable to developing mental health issues.
Domestic violence can also have a negative impact on society.

It doesn’t just affect the family of the victim it also affects the community and the people around
the victim like their co-workers and neighbors. 

It can affect them by bringing concern to them and trying to help out the victim.

In some cases, the victim is threatened by the abuser to not say anything.

They are afraid to ask for help or go to the police for help because they feel as if it may go
worse for them.
So, when someone tries to help, they can’t accept it.

Then the person trying to help such as the people around the victim may worry and stress and
show concern.
Overall domestic violence is a very serious issue in society that needs awareness brought to it. .

 Domestic violence can also negatively affect children and cause them to develop mental health
Childrens are more likely to develop depression or anxiety if they are in a household that has
domestic abuse going inside the home.

Childrens that are being miss treated inside their home are sad.

This can cause physical health issues to the child and put their health at a risk.

Most children that grow up in a domestic household are likely to learn the behavior.

To be at a high risk to think that it’s okay to be domestic towards any future relationships,
friendships or their future kids due to the violence they witnessed growing up in that household.

Violence is never the answer, you always have the choice to ask for help!