Whether you are a college graduate, high school graduate, or someone with a GED, generating a creative resume will be sure to get the attention of employers in a variety of fields.

 Often times, when we think of a resume, we think of the traditional format of an objective, schooling, and work experiences.

 However, if you have limited work experience, you might find that using a different approach to writing your resume might just do the trick in helping you gain employment that best suits you.

There are a few advantages to using a more creative format when writing your resume.

  • One is able to showcase examples of their skill set- for example, include a sample of art work if you are attempting to seek a job in an artistic field. 
  • A creative resume is perfect for those that have limited work experience. 
  • Veering away from the traditional resume and creating a creative resume will catch employer attention as they sift through hundreds of resumes a day.

Here are a few ways you can highlight your talents through creative resume writing:

  1. Use Nontraditional Computer Programs– most people seeking employment use more traditional programs to write their resumes such as Microsoft word. 

Using something different such as Microsoft Publisher, Adobe, or Microsoft Illustrator can capture the attention of your intended audience.

  • Color Vibrancy- instead of using the typical black and white format, add in some images with color.  Be sure not to go overboard with the color but just a minimal amount to add in some “shine” to your resume.
  • Highlighting Your Skills- Don’t be shy when you are attempting to sell yourself to particular employers.  Think about skills that are transferrable to many different types of jobs.

For example, if you are excellent with multi-tasking, you will want to include that along with an example of HOW you are gifted with that skill.

  • Include Links to Examples of Your Work– Examples can be photographs of your work with a  brief description or website links that show examples of how you have applied your gifted talents in other jobs or day to day life.
  • Revise and Edit- Employers do look for resumes that are well written and include the basic conventions of punctuation and grammar.  Reading your resume out loud or allowing someone else to read it is a good way to catch common and easy to fix mistakes.

In summary, writing a creative resume can be a different approach that can open new and exciting doors for your future job and career paths.

 Whether you are looking to continue your education or simply want to stick with a field that you have experience in, highlighting examples of your work shows employers that you value your work and are confident enough to share with them. 

If you find that you need additional guidance in resume writing, you can find resume coaches that will help you write the very best resume for your selected job choices.

 It is important to know that it is perfectly acceptable to ask for help especially if this is something new for you. 

Enjoy your journey and best of luck to you!