I grew up for a good portion of my life being a loner.

I felt misunderstood for most of my youth and felt like acceptance was out of reach.

I was liked among many, but not everyone was honest with their intentions with me.

These moments staggered my life in such a way that I felt hopeless. 

You may not have a problem being yourself.

Some of us aren’t so lucky. 

Friendships serve many purposes, especially an escape from what stresses us in life.

We turn to our friends when the weight of the world is on our shoulders.

We turn to our friends when no one else will hear us out.

From the moment I reached high school I started to develop my friendships.

I was bullied and picked on for being different.

I did not know how to develop my own personality to show off to the world.

It took me coming out of my shell to let people into my world.  

It was a huge change for me, I’ve never been good with change.

Regardless, I learned the value of acceptance.  

I was able to practice being open minded enough to trust.

In turn, I started to develop the best friendships of my life.

I graduated high school and landed my first job.

There I met a guy who became my closest friend.

He was confident, great personality with people.

He knew how to grab attention in a room.

I even appreciated how he spoke to women.  

Sometimes they say “opposites attract”.

I believe that’s how and why we became great friends.

He always encouraged me to tap into my potential. 

Through him, I met others and eventually built myself a community.

I did what I thought was impossible, I found my tribe.

I consider my friend group my family at times when I do not feel close to my own family. 

Through him, I met several close/best friends and created a cheering section in my life.

It’s unique because quite a bit of my close friends are my safe spaces.  

I think it’s beneficial to find our tribe.

Perhaps you feel close your family, there are many reasons we turn to our friends.  

No matter what, friendships define how we grow in life.

We are not born to be alone.

We are not meant to live life in emptiness.

Friendships spark memories, moments that live forever. 

Your friends are people who have your back through good and ugly.  

Believe me when I say I’m not perfect.

Trust me when I say my friends have had to call me out at my lowest moments.

These moments define us. 

When we can’t turn to anyone else, we feel like there’s no chance for happiness.

That’s when you need your friends the most.  

Find your support system, embrace your tribe.  

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