Managing one’s time is a skill that has to be learned and developed overtime. 

Learning this skill is extremely important, but it will provide a less stressful way of life. When managing your time one will start to notice how their time multiplies. 

When you make a schedule this helps you balance your work and social life. 

It is easier said than done to limit your distractions, but there are ways to lessen the amount of distractions when being productive. 

Noticing these distractions and recognizing your priorities is a great way to improve one’s time management. 


Just because you start prioritizing important and urgent tasks does not mean you will not have time to do the things you enjoy. 

Being able to distinguish what you need to complete first is important when learning time management. 

Start with tasks that have a due date or doing things first that have to be done for your daily life. 

This is not always easy especially if you are new to managing your time. 

Making a to-do list and crossing tasks off is extremely helpful and will help you stay on task more so. 

Adjusting to Managing Your Time 

Learning to manage your time can also be a trial and error thing. 

You might try a certain schedule and learn that the time frame did not work as well as you had thought and that is okay. 

Just because you have made a schedule that was not successful does not mean you give up on learning to manage your time, this just means switching your schedule and times around. 

You are able to adjust your strategies to be even more efficient. 

Being Time Sufficient in the Workplace 

When going into work you can begin your day by figuring out what your priorities are for the day. 

Begin with what you believe is most important for you to get done first. 

Get your daily tasks out of the way. 

Also set yourself up at the beginning of the day for everything that needs to be done. 

For example, setting up for a presentation or meeting you know you have that day so that when the time comes you are not stressing to get yourself and things together. 

This will make the presentation or going into the meeting way smoother and less stressful. 

Social Life 

Making time for your social life is also an important thing to remember. 

Just because you are prioritizing the important things on your to-do list does not mean giving up your social life. 

Making time for the social aspect of your life will help you mentally as well. 

Allowing yourself a break from your to-do list is okay. 

This is why it is beneficial to create a schedule for yourself. 

When you have a lists of priorities and you knock out majority of them this will also allow a more freeing feeling when you can be social and you can enjoy your time more. 

Taking Care of You and Your Mental 

Making a schedule and going by it will benefit you mentally as well. 

When you procrastinate it allows more stress and anxiety to take over which causes a decline in your mental health. 

Your mental health is another reason why timed breaks and planned social time is important. 

As long as you follow a schedule to allow yourself to be productive while taking care of you, your life becomes a lot less stressful. 


Overall, it is important to be productive and to learn time management. 

This allows more efficiency and organization in your life. 

You will feel better overall and feel as if a weight is lifted off of you. 

Figuring out your priorities while learning what your individual needs are is a process.

Learning strategies to master time management will be a beneficial process for your daily work and social life and mental well-being.