Waking up every morning and going to bed every night giving thanks to everything and everyone in your life that has gotten you where you are today is game changer. 

This gives a positive start and end to each day which will help you mentally and physically in the long run. 

Gratitude and thankfulness will not only build you up, but it can also lift up those around you. 

Waking up with thankfulness and gratitude 

Even when waking up on the wrong side of the bed or with barely any sleep, try to remember those who will make this day better and who have made your days better in the past. 

Not only will this set you up for a great day, but it will make waking up a little easier that day. 

Remembering everything and everyone you are thankful for will set a great mentality for the rest of your day. 

Ending your day with gratefulness 

Going to bed at night, reflect on the day you had. 

Remember those people you had in your day that made your day lighter and happier. 

It is easy to “get used” to these people making your day amazing. 

This is why is it so important to reflect on your day and remember to never take these people for granted. 

This will also help you get a better nights rest. 

The “little” things 

Remember to appreciate the things that help you get through your day. 

I say little things very lightly. 

For example, the bed and home you wake up in, the vehicle that transports you to and from work or other places, or the headphones you have to help you get through that workout. 

Also someone greeting you with a smile and genuinely caring about you and how your day is going. 

The “little” things you do not think about that you should be extremely grateful for. 

The positive effect gratitude has on your mental health

Waking up with severe anxiety or depression everyday can be extremely mentally exhausting. 

No, remembering to be thankful will not cure these issues by any means, but it will be slightly easier powering through the day with these tolls. 

Dealing with mental health can wear you out for sure, but remembering all the things and people you are able to thank makes things like anxiety and depression a little lighter. 

Sharing your thankfulness 

It is one thing to be grateful yourself which is extremely important, but showing your gratitude to those around you is also very beneficial. 

Walking into work being grateful for your coworkers and the things behind the scenes to make your job easier makes your work day that much better. 

Reach out to a team member and tell them thank you for their hard work and for everything they do.

 Remembering to thank family and friends who shaped you into who you are to day should never go out of style. 

You are you today because of the folks that were there through every step or important steps of your life. 

Do not ever forget to thank these people. 


Gratitude allows happiness in your life and others around you. 

Remembering what and who to be thankful for every morning and night will help you mentally as well. 

Being thankful and expressing gratitude overall allows a more positive and happy life.