With as many criminal convictions as college degrees, it’s more evident than ever why “ban the box” laws are important for the economy.

The number of Amer­ic­ans with a crim­inal history has risen sharply over the past three decades. Today, nearly one-third of the adult work­ing age popu­la­tion has a crim­inal record. In fact, so many Amer­ic­ans have a crim­inal record that count­ing them all is nearly impossible.

Accord­ing to a 2012 Depart­ment of Justice survey, state crim­inal history repos­it­or­ies contain more than 100 million records. These are popularly referred to as “rap sheets” or “crim­inal records” although most people who have them have never been convicted of a seri­ous crime.

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These repos­it­or­ies chron­icle nearly every arrest, regard­less of whether or not it leads to an indict­ment or convic­tion. And while 100 million records do exist, this figure almost certainly over­states the true number of indi­vidu­als who have been arres­ted at any point in their lives, since one person can have an arrest record in multiple states.

Source: Brennan Center for Justice

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