A deeper understanding of the connection between your spiritual path and the abundance that awaits you. 

Capture an abundance mindset: 

You can’t really learn how to be open to receive abundance if you don’t have an abundance mindset.  

So, the first step is important. 

Cultivating an abundance mindset helps you open yourself up to new opportunities and reach new heights.  

It creates a shift in your perception and allows you to achieve things that you may, at some point, believed to be unachievable or reachable. 

By capturing an abundance mindset, some feel as if they are reborn as a ‘new’ person.  

If you let go of what you thought was best for you and I surrender to God’s plan for you, that’ll allow you to be open to receive abundance.  

If you stick to your plan, this may cause you a lot of suffering in your life. 

Why not allow the universe to show you its greatness. 

Don’t try to force things into a certain direction: 

Our egos are the masters of control.  

Our egos constantly seek certainty and security.  

With this, we end up trying to control things that are beyond our control.  

When everything in your life tells you to take a step back and pause, we try to force things into a certain direction. 

Why do we do this to ourselves? 

Everything and everyone needs that pause time to ‘smell the roses’, adjust, or even make sense of what’s going on in life in that moment. 

But by doing this, we get into the way of the universe and interfere with its natural flow. 

Our minds tell us that it knows what’s best for us.  

We fail to read the signs from the universe.  

Instead of taking a break and allowing ourselves to be open to receive abundance, we sometimes force and try to make things happen our way. 

When everything in life seems to be working against you or when you find yourself facing one rough patch after another, try to take a step back. 

Focus on connecting with your spirit and true soul.  

Take better care of yourself by doing daily self-care routines. 

 Try listening to your intuition.  

This will guide you to receive abundance and manifest your dreams. 

Be open to receiving abundance in different ways: 

This may be challenging for some people.  

Allowing something good to happen to you and for you. 

When working on yourself and aligning your actions with your intentions, it is rewarding.  

While doing everything with intention, you will notice that you will start to receive opportunities in different ways, from multiple channels, rather than just the channel you planned on working on initially. 

You may, at first, be confused and even reject some of these foreign channels that your mind is not used to.  

Try not to close yourself off to the other opportunities that are meant for you! 

Manifest and persevere!  

It may take some time to see the changes and great things coming to you in abundance.  

Just understand that the universe is hearing your prayers, and the universe is responding. 

Tell your ego to take a break and allow life’s natural flow to take the lead. 

Put yourself on autopilot as a passenger in the plans that God has for you. 

You will have unlocked a new version of YOU.