Americans face a big threat to adults and teenagers and
It’s the number one preventable disease and deaths worldwide.

I’m talking about smoking. From cigarettes to E-cigarettes to cigar hookah smokeless
tobacco like dip.
All the harmful things it does to the human body.

Smoking cigarettes does not just affect your looks and also affects the inside
After a while, smoking cigarettes becomes addicting.
Just because you didn’t see the signs it doesn’t mean it’s not affecting you,
you’re wrong.
Cigarettes have an addictive drug inside called nicotine that makes it hard for
someone to quit.
Cigarettes can cut somebody’s lifespan short. It works inside out, beginning to
affect your organs.
And not just that your mouth becomes rotten in severe cases. Your teeth might
become weak and turn yellow.
These are just some of the effects that can occur by smoking cigarettes.
Nowadays people vape, which is the same thing as smoking cigarettes.
Instead of smoking tobacco, you’re smoking chemicals, added with nicotine.
Vaping is more or as dangerous as smoking cigarettes.

Causing the same effect as smoking cigarettes can cause your lungs to collapse
and trouble breathing.
The earlier someone starts smoking the greater and harmful cigarettes can be.
That’s why there are laws, new laws that prevent minors from purchasing
tobacco or vapes at the age 21.
There are warning labels in every cigarette box. Are they really doing their job?

According to
Cigarettes kills more than 480,000 Americans each year.
In 2021, it was estimated that around 28.3 millions of U.S. adults currently
smoke cigarettes.
That is bad.  People just don’t die of smoking cigarettes. Secondhand smoking
can be as deadly.
Just by being around someone that is smoking. Especially in a close
environment like inside the house or car.
Cigarettes can cause healthcare millions of dollars.
Illnesses that come with smoking cigarettes are gum disease, cancer and heart
disease and stroke.
Adults with mental health are more common to smoke.
Their are people that get depressed and think of hurting themselves.
Women that are pregnant can be affected by smoking cigarettes.
It does not just affect the mother but the baby as well.
Women should not be smoking around the time of pregnancy.
Even after giving birth, it is suggested to not smoke due to the baby.
It can affect the baby due to secondhand smoke.
Effects can be that a baby can have weaker lungs or breathing problems.
Smoking cigarettes can be a real challenge when it comes to quit smoking.
Smokers battle to quit. You should always attempt to quit on your own.
If you find quitting smoking cigarettes is a problem or difficult to quit, ask for help.

From family members, maybe your friends.
Quit habits that make you wanna smoke.
Don’t hang around certain groups of people.
If all fails, try reaching out to a program that helps people quit.
For example, The American Lung Association has a program Freedom From
Smoking® .
This program proves results with its proven skill and techniques to help adult
smokers quit cigarettes.