Getting a job can be challenging, but when you’re coming back into the community after being in jail, it can feel even more difficult.

There are some barriers, but don’t worry!

There are also lots of ways to make it easier.

Here are some tips to help you find a job and get back on track.

Know Your Strengths

Think about what you’re good at. Everyone is good at something!

You may be great at talking to people, or you’re good at fixing things.

Write down your skills. This can help you find the right job.

Remember to include things you learned while away, like cooking or bookkeeping.

Ask friends and family what they think you’re good at. They might have great ideas!

Believe in yourself. Knowing your strengths makes you powerful.

Get Your Resume Ready

A resume is like a list of all the great things about you and what you can do.

Put your work history on it, but also any training or classes you took.

If you did jobs while incarcerated, like kitchen work or library duty, put that on there, too.

Make sure your resume looks neat. That makes a good impression.

If you need help with writing, ask for help. Some places help people write resumes.

Keep your resume up to date. If you learn something new, add it!

Practice Interview Skills

An interview is a meeting where someone asks you questions to see if you’re suitable for the job.

Practice answering questions with a friend. It’s like rehearsing for a play.

Dress neatly for your interview. It shows you’re serious about the job.

Be on time for the interview. It’s one of the most important things.

Be honest but positive about your past. Focus on how you’ve grown.

Remember to smile. It shows you’re friendly and ready to work.

Know Your Rights

You have rights when you’re looking for a job.

Some places can only ask about your past once they offer you a job.

If someone says no because of your past, ask why. Sometimes, they have to explain.

There are laws to help people who have been in jail find jobs.

If you need more clarification about your rights, ask someone who knows, like a lawyer or a job helper.

Look for the Right Jobs

      Some jobs are better for people who have been in jail. They’re called “reentry-friendly” jobs.

Factories, construction, and cooking are some areas that might be more open.

Some programs help people find jobs after they’ve been in jail.

Don’t just look for ads in the paper. Ask around and talk to people.

Sometimes, small businesses are more willing to give someone a chance.

Stay Positive and Keep Trying

Finding a job can take time. Don’t give up!

If you get a “no,” it’s okay. The next one might be a “yes.”

Keep learning new things. It makes you even better at more jobs.

Take care of yourself. Eating well and sleeping enough helps you stay ready for new chances.

Remember, every day is a new chance to find a job and make a fresh start.

Final Thoughts

Finding a job after you’ve been away can be challenging, but it’s not impossible.

Lots of people have done it, and you can too.

Use these tips, and keep your head up.

You’ve got this!