In the heart of Atlanta, Georgia, a beacon of hope is shining bright for Haitian refugees, thanks to the LifeChangers Refugee Programs and Services.

Committed to making a lasting impact on the lives of those who have sought refuge in the United States, LifeChangers offers a comprehensive array of services aimed at fostering self-sufficiency and empowering individuals to rebuild their lives.

Our Mission:

At LifeChangers, our mission is clear: to teach refugees accountability,, responsibility, and self-sufficiency.

We provide a lifeline for Haitian refugees in the Atlanta area, assisting them in their journey toward stability, self-reliance, and integration into their new communities.

We believe in the transformative power of support and education, and our programs are designed to address the unique challenges faced by refugees as they navigate through unfamiliar territories.

Programs and Services:

Housing Placement Assistance:

LifeChangers recognizes the importance of a stable home as the foundation for rebuilding lives. Our Housing Placement Assistance program aims to secure safe and affordable housing for Haitian refugees, ensuring they have a secure and comfortable environment to start anew.

Employment Skills Training:

We understand that meaningful employment is crucial for the long-term success of refugees.

Our Employment Skills Training program equips individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge to enter the job market with confidence, opening doors to new opportunities and financial independence.

ESL (English as a Second Language):

Language is a powerful tool for integration. LifeChangers offers ESL classes to help refugees overcome language barriers, enhancing their communication skills and facilitating a smoother transition into American society.

Social Services:

Navigating complex systems and accessing essential services can be challenging for refugees.

Our dedicated team assists with healthcare, legal matters, and other social services, ensuring that refugees receive the support they need to thrive.

How You Can Make a Difference:

Sign Up to Join the Waitlist:

If you or someone you know could benefit from our programs and services, we invite you to sign up to be added to our waitlist. Visit our website or contact our offices to start the journey toward a brighter future.

Donate $20 to Support Our Programs and Services:

The impact of our programs is made possible through the generosity of individuals like you.

A simple donation of $20 can go a long way in supporting housing placement, skills training, ESL classes, and social services for Haitian refugees in Atlanta.

Your contribution will make a meaningful difference in the lives of those rebuilt after displacement.

LifeChangers Refugee Programs and Services stand as a testament to the resilience and strength of the human spirit.

By providing essential support and resources, we are not just changing lives; we are empowering individuals to rewrite their stories.

Join us in our mission to make a positive impact on the Haitian refugee community in Atlanta—sign up, donate, and be a part of the change today. Together, we can create a brighter and more hopeful future for all.

Contact us with questions.