
Driving under the influence can change your life in a matter of seconds even tho most people think they can drive home after a few drinks.

Driving under the influence can change your life in a matter of seconds.

Most people believe that they are capable of getting home safe after a few drinks, but many things can go wrong
very quickly.

Making this mistake can destroy not only your life but those around you.

People are involved in accidents, arrested, imprisoned, fined and injured due to driving under the influence.

Accidents are very common while drinking because of impaired judgment, slow coordination, and not being able to react accordingly.

These impairments can cause a driver to swerve and shift into the opposite lane or to drive off road risking other people’s lives.

One person is killed every 39 minutes in the United States because of drunk driving.

These accidents are preventable but are still so common and many people do not walk away from these accidents with either their lives or injury.

Another common outcome of drunk driving is being arrested.

Even though it is a serious crime more than 1.5 million people are arrested every year for driving under the influence.

There are various DUI laws and penalties that vary in each state.

The penalties can be large fines, community service, probation, alcohol abuse treatment, a suspended license or revocation, and prison time.

The penalties are based on the damage caused.

Having a DUI on your record can affect you in the long run.

Most insurance companies will not want to offer coverage or they could double your rates due to being an at risk driver.

Another difficulty could be future employment opportunities, landlords, or schools when a criminal background is issued.

Many will be turned away from these opportunities and will have to overcome these challenges for making the mistake of driving under the influence.

Nowadays there are many programs to educate individuals of the consequences of drinking and driving.

These programs are aimed at the younger generations to improve the future.

These programs highlight the statistics of alcohol related car accidents and the long term effects.

They also teach young adults how to drink responsibly and the alternative options to driving under the influence.

Slowly more people are ordering Ubers or Lyft’s as an alternative to putting themselves at risk or they have friends who are designated drivers and refrain from drinking in order to drive their friends who are under the influence home.

Society still has a long way to go when it comes to drinking and driving.

Alcohol is not a crime as long as people are drinking responsibly.

New laws are still being put into place to tighten the reins on drunk driving and prevent as many casualties as possible.

Restrictions are being put into place to get as many reckless drivers off of the road and even more programs are being created to help individuals with an addiction.

We can only hope for this progress to continue and one that one day we will no longer have lives affected by drunk driving.