I do not believe creativity is something we are all born with.

However, that’s okay, creativity is something we can all grow on. 

We are all born with a childlike imagination, eventually that imagination grows.

Some of us may feel too insecure to be creative.

We become perfectionists about our passions.

However, that only should push us to strive for better.

You can be creative about anything you set your mind to.

You could be someone who loves music, maybe you love to paint as well.

Maybe you’re like me and you’re a writer.

The possibilities are endless, as children we discover the things that make us happy.  

So, maybe the question you should be asking yourself is what makes you happy in life?

I was thirteen years old when I fell in love with poetry.

I even recited my first poem at my 7th grade graduation.  

I have intense stage fright so I was nervous and stuttered through my words.

Fortunately for me, everyone loved my poem.

Sometimes it’s humbling to go out in public and embarrass yourself.

Creativity comes with occasional humiliation.

Learn from it, embrace how you bounce back.

Eventually I grew up and never stopped writing. 

Sometimes I would try my luck to write for a girl I had a crush on.

Unfortunately, it didn’t always go as planned, sometimes I would be rejected.

Regardless, I was showing off my art.

Even in moments where it seems humiliating it was a learning experience.

I started to dive into journalism and wrote for my school newspaper.

In college I was a news writer for one of the most popular radio shows in my city.

My passion carried me into one of the greatest stages of my life. 

I never stopped writing as a poet though, my poetry has been published twice. 

Humiliation through your creative process creates good results.

Sometimes though, you become exhausted with what you love.

We all need a chance to step back from our passions and take a break.

Remember to use that wisely.

If you feel like you need distance from your art, walk away.

Regroup, recharge and find your inspiration again.

I have always turned to poetry as a way to cope and express my feelings.

It can be hard for me to communicate at times, I grew up shy for most of my life.

That didn’t stop me from finding my voice in writing.

I found my confidence as well. 

Eventually I gained enough confidence to start writing a book!

I credit hobbies and passions such as these because they keep me motivated.

Creativity can be a useful outlet when our mental health isn’t the best.

Currently I keep a journal of several pieces I’ve written.

I plan to collect them all into one book and present it to the world.

My hope by showing off my writing is that it sparks a conversation.

Perhaps you relate to my words and we can talk through it.  

I found myself by putting my voice into poetry.

How will you find yourself?

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