Hey everyone! Today, I want to talk

 about how COVID has affected the world in the past two years. It’s been a tough time for a lot of people,

and it’s important to understand what’s been happening. First off, COVID is a sickness that

can spread easily from person to person. Because of this, many people around the world got sick,

and some even passed away. This made a lot of people feel worried and scared. To try and stop

 COVID from spreading, lots of places had to close, like schools, parks, and even some businesses.

 This meant that people had to stay home a lot more and couldn’t see their friends and family as

much. It was hard for everyone to adjust to this big change. Also, doctors and scientists had to work

hard to find ways to help people who got sick with COVID. Here are also some tips on how to take

 care of yourself while having covid1. Rest: When you have COVID, your body needs plenty of rest to

 help it fight off the virus. Make sure to get lots of sleep and take naps when you need to.

2. Drink lots of fluids: Drink plenty of water, juice, and soup to stay hydrated. This can help you feel better and keep you from getting too dehydrated.

3. Take your medicine: If the doctor gives you medicine, make sure to take it exactly how they tell you to. This can help your body fight off the virus.

4. Stay away from others: Since COVID is contagious, it’s important to stay away from other people so you don’t make them sick. Stay in your room and don’t play with friends until the doctor says it’s okay.

5. Talk to an adult: If you’re feeling sick, it’s important to tell a grown-up. They can help you get

 the care you need. Remember, it’s okay to feel scared or worried when you’re sick, but lots of

people get better from COVID. Taking care of yourself and following the doctor’s advice can help

you feel better soon. Take care and feel better soon! They made vaccines to protect us from

 getting sick, and they taught us about wearing masks, washing our hands, and keeping our

distance from others. These things were important to help stop the sickness from spreading.

 COVID also affected the way people work and learn. Many people started working from home, and

kids had to learn from home too. This was a big change for everyone, and it wasn’t always easy. But

even with all the challenges, people have been helping each other out. They’ve been making sure

 everyone has what they need, like food and medicine. They’ve been finding new ways to stay

connected and have fun, even from far away. And they’ve been supporting each other through this

tough time. As things are getting better, and more people are getting vaccinated, we can see some

positive changes. Schools and businesses are starting to open again, and people are starting to see

 their friends and family more. It’s a slow process, but there’s hope that things will keep getting

better. So, COVID-19 has made a big impact on the world in the past two years. It’s been tough, but

People are working hard to make things better. Let’s keep helping each other out and staying strong

as we move forward. We can get through this together!