The Importance Of Solving Conflict Without Violence

Resolving conflict without violence is so important because nothing good comes
from violence at the end of the day. Violence can end in someone getting hurt or
possibly killed. Violence has taken so many friends and family from a lot of people
and it sucks but that’s just what most people resort to using and we have to stop.
Conflict can be stopped by just having a simple conversation with the person you
have a problem with. Violence has really messed up my life for the past couple
months. Violence has done nothing good for me. I have to be watched by people
for a couple months, I have to get drug tested, I can’t even be around my friends
while I’m on probation. That’s why it is so important to not solve conflict with
violence because nothing good comes from violence. Although violence is not
good at all, violence is a real good teacher. It taught many people and me that it is
not the way to handle life and it can be taken or damage your life in many and
useful ways. So many precious people have been lost to violence and its really sad.
Most people nowadays glorify using violence until the violence comes and now
they can’t see their loved ones or they lost someone. It doesn’t have to get to that
point to even use violence because life’s too short to fit violence in it. If everyone
can come together and just live in peace then there wouldn’t be any more violence

in the world. There are so many ways to prevent yourself from using violence. For
Example, Choose a good time, plan ahead, take accountability of what you did in
the situation. It takes more than one person to cause conflict. These are good
examples of how to solve conflict without violence. Most of the time people use
violence because people escalated the situation when it wasn’t even big. People let
what other people say about them control their emotions and then they let words
activate them to do reckless things. Another thing people can do is just avoid
people and just ignore them. People sometimes feel like they have to say
something in the situation. If you show a person that you’re not worried about them
or you just don’t even notice them they will stop. These are also some good
examples to use. These examples could be used to save someone’s life or save your
own life. Not using violence also builds character because you will be a more
positive person if you don’t use violence. Plus things will come easier in life and
you will see that at the end of the day violence is not needed. Violence is not
needed in the world and the world will be better off without it. I had to learn the
consequences after I used violence but many people can learn from my mistakes
and not use it and keep their healthy life. In conclusion violence is not the answer
to conflict and it never will be. It’s sad that a lot of people result in using conflict
but that’s just the world we live in. Although we can change that world and make a
difference by spreading positivity and love and not hate each other and not make

fun of people because of what they wear or look like because we’re all different at
the end of the day and no one on this earth is perfect and everyone makes mistakes.
Although we all make mistakes we have to learn from them and grow from them
and not make the same mistakes. Life is all about being smart and making good
choices. As a young male I am learning each and every day how making wrong
choices and decisions affects you in life. I see that resulting to violence in
situations only land you in trouble which is not a good choice. I Am learning that I
have to be smart and handle situations in a positive mindset in trouble. Sometimes
walking away from bad situations is the best thing to do. I see now that if i had
made a different choice I wouldn’t be in my current situation. This has shown me
the result of not being smart. In the world I have seen how violence has affected so
many people and how people have lost their lives due to resulting in violence.
People choose guns and weapons to solve problems and it doesn’t end well for
them. I don’t want that to happen to me which is why moving forward I am not
going to result to violence when handling situations in the future. Walking away
doesn’t make you weak or even scared. It makes you stronger and smarter. It shows
maturity and self awareness. I have truly learned the value of not using violence
from looking back at what happened to me. This has been a huge experience and a
true lesson learned of what not to do. This is the Importance of solving conflict
without using violence.