Relationships are one of the most important things in our lives. 

Being able to build and maintain good relationships plays a huge role in our everyday lives. 

Wherever you are in life, you will always have relationships with others which is why it is extremely important to be able to maintain them. 

Also your relationships reflects you, your life, your environment, and your mental health. 

Healthy relationships  

Relationships are a huge part of everyone’s daily life this is why it is so important to have healthy relationships. 

Having healthy relationships with those you are surrounded by majority of the time is what helps keep one grounded. 

Also having and maintaining these relationships goes both ways. 

Feed those that feed you 

While there is a huge significance in having relationships with people you are surrounded by everyday, it is also important for the relationship to not be one sided. 

For example a coworker, friends, or even a family member that does not reciprocate the effort or care that you do then try not to give all your energy to those people. 

This might be hard if it is an old friend or close family member. 

Sometimes relationships are built together and then only maintained by one person. 

The one person that puts all of the energy and effort into the relationship often is exhausted mentally, and it can put your other relationships at risk. 

Even though it might be easier said than done to match the level of effort that you are receiving from a relationship there is a huge significance in doing this. 

How your relationships effect your mental health

Your relationships play a huge part in your mental wellbeing. 

If you have people in your life that feed you positivity and encouragement, this can have a positive effect on your mental health. 

This is why is it extremely important to keep in mind who has fed into you and your relationship. 

These people should be your priority relationships. 

If you have a relation with someone who cuts you down and is manipulative this can completely destroy your mental health. 

Due to manipulation sometimes it can be harder to let go of these relationships or to give less effort.  

Relationships play a role in your environment 

Majority of the time people do not realize the role your relationships have on your surroundings. 

If you are at work and you do not necessarily get along with a coworker distance yourself. 

Given that you are at work, it is important to be civil with someone that might not be your favorite coworker. 

Being civil with this particular coworker is important due to the fact you would be creating a hostile environment for the rest of the staff. 

Not only does this improve the setting for you but also the people around you. 

This can also make going to that same environment or being in the same setting with these people again less dreadful. 


Relationships will always be a part of your life, and this is why it is so important to learn the qualities of a healthy relationship. 

Investing in the right people is extremely important for yourself and your relationships.

When you discover and acknowledge a healthy relationship, this will benefit all other relationships and future relations.