Welcome back to the world outside!

It’s a place full of sounds, colors, and changes.

When you’ve been away for a while, like in jail, coming back can feel strange and new.

But don’t worry; we have some tips to help you adjust and feel at home again.

Understanding the New Normal

Things might look different; stores might have changed, and there might be new buildings.

People use phones for everything now; they can help you find places and learn new things.

Money might be used differently; cards and phone apps are famous for paying now.

There’s more talking online than face-to-face; it’s called social media.

You should learn new rules for how to act in places like stores or buses.

Take it slow; you don’t have to figure out everything in one day.

Reconnecting with Family and Friends

Your family and friends might seem different. They’ve had changes, too.

Share stories about what you’ve all missed. It can help you catch up.

Be patient with each other. Getting used to each other again takes time.

Plan fun things to do together. It can be as simple as a walk in the park.

Sometimes, talking to someone outside the family helps, like a counsellor.

Remember, it’s okay to make new friends too. They can be part of your fresh start.

Finding a Place to Live

A place to call home is necessary. It’s your area to unwind and be who you are.

Certain people and organizations assist people in finding homes following incarceration.

You could begin in a modest space. It’s alright. It’s a baby step toward something more.

Give your room a sense of identity. Display images or other items that bring you joy.

On-time rent payments are crucial. It demonstrates your maturity.

Maintain your house neat and orderly. It boosts your self-esteem and benefits your mental health.

Getting a Job

You get money and a job when you work. It gives you a sense of value.

Start with a position that requires minimal experience. Everybody must begin somewhere.

Be truthful about your history. Some places have a preference for serving ex-offenders.

Develop new abilities if you can. It expands your range of job options.

Even if you receive a few “no’s,” keep trying. There is a job out there for you.

Take pride in your work. Readjusting to life outside is a significant step.

Taking Care of Your Health

Being healthy helps you feel good every day.

Go to a doctor for a check-up. It’s good to know you’re okay.

Eat foods that are good for you. Fruits, vegetables, and water are plentiful.

Moving your body helps a lot. Walk, run, dance, or play a sport.

Sleep is super important. Try to get enough every night.

If you feel sad or worried, talk to someone. Help is always okay.

Learning New Things

The world is a whole of cool stuff to learn. It can be fun!

Libraries have books and computers you can use for free. They can teach you lots.

There are adult classes to learn reading, math, and other skills.

The internet has videos and websites where you can learn almost anything.

Practice makes perfect. The more you try, the better you get.

Learning is for more than just kids. It’s for everyone, all through life.

Final Thoughts

Adjusting to life outside after being away can be a significant change.

But it’s also a chance for a fresh start.

Take it one step at a time.

Use these tips to help you along the way.

And remember, every day is a new opportunity to grow and find happiness in your new life.