Self-Disciplining the Adult Child


Ultimately, the most important thing to remember is that you control the direction of your life.

When I was a child my mother mostly corrected me for small things

She taught me not to lie
She taught me not to steal
She always told me not to cheat
She taught me to listen to grown ups, those in authority.
Learning the lessons as a child shaped who I am now.
Parents use discipline to teach kids how to be good citizens and show them that bad actions have consequences
Learning discipline early on helps kids learn that choices they make now can affect their lives later on
What happens when you’re grown up?
Are you a complete person?
Can you still do wrong?
How do you learn to control yourself for a happy life?
Do you allow the inner child to have the dominant seat in your life?
We might forget sometimes what we were taught because nobody is perfect
But don’t use that as an excuse to not do well

A wise person said that people try to meet their needs in steps
They start with basics like food and shelter, and going up to self-improvement.
As adults we’re responsible for meeting our needs ourselves for our own existence.
YOU DECIDE what to eat and whether to eat healthy
YOU DECIDE whether to find a job and keep it
YOU DECIDE when to find out your purpose to become your best.
It takes self-discipline for healthy eating, being sociable, or even attending church, but its all up to you.
If I say that it’s easy it wouldn’t be truthful because it’s not easy.
There Ain’t No Such Thing As A Free Lunch
The value of discipline gets lost in the chaos of life.
Each day, it becomes harder to navigate what life throws at you.
But, discipline above all else is the key.
Most of the time other people can see us better than we can see ourselves.
You can share with a therapist or someone else you trust if you struggle with discipline.
It’s always good for the psyche to speak to someone about challenges that you face in life.
A major part of self discipline is time management
What happens when you have a million projects during the day
Sometimes it might even seem that you don’t have enough time in the day.

Here are a few things that I’ve found that can help

  1. Write down who you want to be and the small steps you can take to be that person
  2. Use a timer for tasks if you have a lot to do and be sure to focus on what’s important to you.
  3. Meditation can help keep you focused on your goals
  4. Stay active by finding something you enjoy doing regularly like walking, sports, or even a dance class

Don’t make excuses for not staying on course

Discipline is harder as an adult with no one to guide you.

But even the smallest steps can make the largest difference.

Start today to become a better version of you